ISSN 1656-8931
2004-2005 Edition

Planning a wedding entails a lot of getting in touch with different sorts of people – from calling friends and relatives abroad to ‘save-the-date’ up to verifying the correct spelling of names and titles of each and every guest for the invites. In between those tasks, the bride still has to scout, canvass, book and finalize details with wedding suppliers either through telephone, internet or by making a personal visit. That’s where Bride’s Yellow Pages (BYP) comes in handy.

If (W@W) made the wedding industry accessible through the web, the BYP makes it easier by compiling everything into one handy bag-sized directory that any bride (or groom) could bring anywhere. We take pride by not just listing the who’s who in the industry but also the up-and-coming suppliers. We list every provider, from the wedding essentials down to those little bridal niceties.

The 2004-2005 edition of the BYP is comprehensive – with additional categories, updated listings, new entries and more pages. As the book gets thicker, the binding that hold all pages together must improve as well. We got rid of the staple wires and opted for a perfect binding.

Even the ads within the pages didn’t just grow in numbers, but a lot of the layouts got spiffier. Credit goes to all our valued advertisers. We sincerely appreciate their support which serves as the lifeblood of this undertaking. Without them, this 2nd edition wouldn’t have been possible at all.

Lastly, our special thanks to a select group (Abie, Cha, Eds, Debs, Leslie & Rea) from this year’s batch of W@Wies for volunteering and helping us call and verify the contact information of numerous companies listed in the BYP. They took a break from their wedding preps just to bring you this updated edition. They made our jobs easier by making our ‘pains’.uhmm.champagne!

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