Every Pinoy Soon-to-Wed’s Guide to the Big Day & Beyond
ISSN 1656-894X
7th Edition 2009

You can order the latest edition online via thebookfan.net.

This edition of The W@W Wedding Primer was conceptualized over paidakia, roka salata, and bottomless-but-bad-tasting iced tea. It’s not exactly our tenth outing but it sure felt like it.

That afternoon, we discussed with Clarice (checkout her spankin’ new editorial title to compensate for her being underpaid) what topics needed to be purged and what to add to make this 7th Primer edition worthy of also being called WeddingsAtWork.com’s 10th anniversary issue.

Our editor-at-large opines that we needed to add more tips from real brides because that what she liked most when she laid her hands on very first Wedding Primer back in 2003 as she was planning her “Kill Bill” wedding with Bernard. Ancient right? 😉

The three of us also agreed that we needed to put a new chapter listing Top 10 of whatever interesting facts about weddings. It made perfect sense. Trouble began when we we had to whack our brains out just to come up with exactly ten worthy topics for our “Top Ten-Ten-Te-10.”

Our beloved W@Wies had a big hand in contributing contents for the said chapter by answering a couple of looong surveys. We are also glad that wedding host RJ Ledesma (“Joey” to old-school Royal Natural! followers) also contributed his own “10 Reception Do’s.”

When printing was about to go underway, we had to attend a Boracay wedding. It’s always iffy to leave work. But we were lucky that Jenny of Kenstar, our printer since our second edition, was invited to the same wedding and we got to talk some Primer matters right smack the boarding area of Terminal 3.

Here’s the result. We know this took a while, but we have a very good excuse. We’ll tell you as soon as find it. *rolleyes*

Two heads are indeed better than one. But three deflects marital conflicts. 😉

For ad placements, circulation & book orders, please contact: 0917.850.1026 (Benz) or email: mail@WeddingsAtWork.com