by Jovan Puyo, a W@Wie groom

10. Before you go to bed, you realize you’d be sleeping in a different bed in a few weeks.

9. You start to lift the toilet seat up when you pee and put it down again afterwards.

8. You’re slowly getting conscious about how bad your fart smells.

7. One word: Swarovski!

6. You change your sheets regularly now.

5. Oprah appeals to you.

4. You know more stuff than your top-rated wedding coordinator.

3. You have sore calves from doing the Rustan’s Bridal Registry thing.

2. You wanna get thin, thin, thin but instead you eat, eat, eat.

1. You now regularly post messages in WeddingsAtWork eGroup.

= = = = =

About the Author: Jovan maintains an ‘angsty’ blog called “The Longgonisa Project.” He married his fiancée Charo in May 2005 . Don’t be fooled by his thoughts on wedding and marriage as revealed above. He warns that if someone says he has grown and matured, chances are that person’s giving you bull.